
Wednesday, October 10, 2012


What exactly do you say in your first blog post? It's important to make a good first impression obviously, but that can put an awful lot of pressure on a girl. Or two girls in this case! 

Who are we? We are two sisters, with six kids between us, that love to dip our fingers into a lot of different pots. One thing we have learned over the years is best expressed by a quote from Edwin H. Land: "The essential part of creativity is not being afraid to fail." This applies to pretty much everything in life, not just the artsy or crafty areas that most people may think of automatically. If you can try new things, new crafts, new recipes, whatever, knowing that it's okay if it doesn't quite work out the way you wanted or expected, life is just a lot more fun! 

Hopefully that's where we can come in. We want to inspire you to try new crafts, new recipes, new books or movies, or maybe just appreciate some not so new ideas a little more. We have no idea if this blog will go anywhere or if anyone other than our family will read it, but we feel like we have something to share and hope that we can inspire even a few people in some small way. So here goes nothing! 

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